The scene was filmed at Leland, east of Greenville, on the Columbus and Greenville Railway, which runs east-west across the middle of the state. The three attempt the time honoured hobo tradition of jumping aboard a freight train, but fail spectacularly, settling for a handcar driven by a blind old-timer who makes wild predictions about their future. Meaning ‘rocky creek’ in the Choctaw language, Tilda Bogue is a cabin built in the mid-1800s, relocated to its current spot, lovingly restored to become a private home and, in 1983, placed on the National Register of Historic Places (the cemetery was also built on the farmland here). Using a revolutionary digital colour manipulation process, and accompanied by a soundtrack which unexpectedly turned out to be a smash, the Coens’ picaresque tale was shot in almost entirely in central Mississippi, around the Jackson area.Įscaping a chain gang, Everett ( George Clooney), Pete ( John Turturro) and Delmer ( Tim Blake Nelson) survive by snatching a chicken from a little farmhouse, which is Tilda Bogue, off Davis Crossing Road, about five miles north of Canton between US 51 North and I-55 North.

Homer’s Odyssey set in Depression-era Deep South, with a title taken from the socially-conscious movie Joel McCrea intends to make in Preston Sturges’ 1941 Sullivan’s Travels, and the presence of Johns Goodman and Turturro, It can only be the Coen brothers.