JASON AARON is an award-winning comic book writer best known for his work with Marvel Comics, including a landmark seven-year run on THOR that will serve as the basis for the upcoming Marvel Studios film THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER. When Loki steps back into Thor's life, will it ease her troubles or only add to her pain? There's no such question about Malekith as he continues to fan the fl ames of a looming War of Realms - when he isn't wedding planning, that is! And as Asgard is torn apart, the skies will shake in one of the bloodiest battles of all time: It's Thor vs.

Yet she wages her greatest battle against a far more personal foe: the cancer killing her mortal form. Her enemies are many as Asgard descends further into chaos, and unrest threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Jane Foster is the Goddess of Thunder -and it's killing her.