Curacao and Guzman Blanco by Cornelis Ch. Goslinga
Curacao and Guzman Blanco by Cornelis Ch. Goslinga

(Cornelis Christiaan) LCCĮen zweem van weemoed : verhalen uit de Antilliaanse slaventijd by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Templos doctrineros neogranadinos by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) LCCĭe vrome smokkelaar : Antilliaanse verhalen by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) LCCĭe trinitaria by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) LCCĭe zwarte engel : Antilliaanse verhalen by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Sjons en slaven : verhalen uit de Antilliaanse slaventijd by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Tápame en andere Antilliaanse verhalen by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) DDC/LCCĬhristina : historische roman over de Nederlandse slavenhandel by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) DDC/LCCĮmancipatie en emancipator : de geschiedenis van de slavernij op de Benedenwindse eilanden en van het werk der bevrijding by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Los holandeses en el Caribe by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Venezuelan painting in the nineteenth century by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. The Dutch in the Caribbean and in Surinam, 1791/5-1942 by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas, 1680-1791 by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. (Cornelis Christiaan) DDC/LCCĪ short history of the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580-1680 by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. Without a hyphen or leading zeros as shown below:Ĭuraçao and Guzmán Blanco : a case study of small power politics in the Caribbean by Goslinga, Cornelis Ch. ISSNĪn ISSN is a standardized international code which allows the identification of a serial publication.Īn ISSN consists of eight digits in two groups of four, separated by a hyphen. The twelfth digit is a check digit and usually appears at the bottom right of the symbol.Įnter all digits found on the item (e.g., 008817006925).The next ten digits encoded in the symbol are below the bars.The first digit is the Number System Character (NSC) which appears on the left side of the symbol outside of the bars.Hyphens or spaces usually separate the elements of the The UPC appears as a barcode symbol with 12 digits printed below it. The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a barcode symbol that is used to track trade items in stores (e.g., audio and video products). Enter an OCLC number without leading zeros. OCLC assigns a unique number to each bibliographic record input into WorldCat. Thirteen-digit ISBNs must begin with either 978 or 979. An ISBN is a unique number assigned to an item by its publisher.

Curacao and Guzman Blanco by Cornelis Ch. Goslinga